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Comments on song "Jaage Hain Ab Saare"
Anekantavad on August 07, 2011
@Mrparrot73 What has any of this got to do with the fact that the Axis
(Nazi Germany and Japan) would have enslaved India far more thoroughly than
the British ever did? Don't think so? Look at how the Germans behaved in
Russia or the Japanese behaved in China. Compared to their track record,
the British were saints.
stephen1971 on August 11, 2011
JAI HIND! Netaji! The only Indian with balls.
ANIK CHOWDHURY on August 13, 2011
@saggyboy1988 No,not only freedom i.e. freedom from british but also the
true sense of it that any type of exploitation should be prohibited in free
India,sadly that does not happen in India with his own people.
ANIK CHOWDHURY on August 13, 2011
JAI HIND,he sacrificed his entire life for the country sacrificing all that
he could achieve provided the brilliant student he was,each one of us that
spirit of self sacrifice.
kpkarthikibro on August 18, 2011
by readin a few books u think u know every thing is it?
Sushant Shinde on August 19, 2011
a.Netaji had committed the crime against the British(which was the criminal
of India) by supporting the Axis power in WWII b.The strong friendship
between British rulers and them(Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru) made them
thinking that friend's enemy is my enemy c.They had guarantee that the
country will go with Netaji and he will get elected as the First Prime
Minister of the free India and they could not have started their family
Sushant Shinde on August 20, 2011
Hi friends! Choose the reason carefully why Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru accused the Netaji as a national criminal when he wanted to come back to his motherland with his army to make it a free nation?
Vishwas Nallabelli on August 24, 2011
wonderful composition.. brings tears imagining the love for the country
they had .. the troubles they took to make India independent.. amazing..
thanks ARRahman and Javed Akhtar for this wonderful song..
itsreza on October 07, 2011
u r so lucky INDIANS that the great A R RAHMAN has born in India...
ANIK CHOWDHURY on January 22, 2012
@kpkarthikibro But do u realize that today many of that 35 million are
exploiting the other many regions of India are getting richer day by day
exploiting the backward ones do u think unity will remain if this injustice
panniize on February 18, 2012
You've been drinking too much British koolaid.
Anekantavad on February 18, 2012
@panniize Better that than sake or schnapps :-)
stephen1971 on April 01, 2012
You Indians should curse yourselves because you never had this great man as
your first prime minister,
stephen1971 on August 18, 2012
If this man had been India's first prime minister the Americans would be
crawling before the Indians today and not the Chinese. There would be no
Walmart. There would be some Indian curry dealer running the show instead.
stephen1971 on March 23, 2013
I love this Indian guy.
MrJojo2335 on April 11, 2013
How could we have elected him... he never reappreared in india, many say he
was secretly executed through a conspiracy , before he could return ..
MrJojo2335 on April 11, 2013
Churchill said we indians are beastly ppl with a beastly religion...
subhash bose was the true of this country... he knew that we had to kick
the british out.. we had to win freedom on our terms... otherwse the
freedom will be incomplete ... he was right.. as u can see the country was
partitioned in religious lines by the british before they left.. so we all
paid the price... subhash bose was either murdered on kept captive... he
tried to make this subcontinent a btr plc
Anekantavad on April 11, 2013
... by handing it all to the Germans and /japanese?
MrJojo2335 on April 13, 2013
The major aim was to raise an army .. which was not possible without a
foreign alliance... and he couldnt have gone to america or France becoz
they were allies of britain. and even if the axis powers would have won
the war, they couldnt have controlled india without the sm indian army that
subhash bose created.. besides subhash bose was a cmplt democrat and a
leader of much higher calibre... he was the fourth best in ics xms in
britain, but he threw that away and fought for this country
Anekantavad on April 16, 2013
The Germans would have developed the atom bomb within a few years of
winning the war, and they would have used it against anyone who stood in
their way without hesitation. If fascism had won in WWII, none of the
European colonies would be independent today. Nazi Germany wwould have used
WMD's to make sure of that.
MrJojo2335 on May 22, 2014
Netaji is immortal in our hearts... and truth will out not mtr wat
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