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Comments on song "Madina Wale Se Mera Salam Kehna"
Mukhtar Ahmed on August 14, 2012
Masha Allah bhot pyari Qwali
Too Bad So Sad on August 19, 2012
i can't find a difference between the person who said this and the person
whom he referred to anyone else can?
0079armaan on August 22, 2012
God is LOve and LOve is God
Falaque Dani on September 11, 2012
al humdu lillah.
Jyoti Prakash Haldar on November 08, 2012
One of The Sacred Great Songs! Best of Luck Sabbir Kumarji!
koltonliveband on November 13, 2012
Tamal Basu on November 14, 2012
coz u are Converted and are opportunist ...In Crime you follow Indian Law
coz Shariah law is Unscientific and doesn't count circumstances of Crime
but when it is personal Law you them follow Shariah coz then Indian law
will Not allow to divorce your wife so easily giving lame excuses and and
will Not allow you to Keep 4 Married wives LEGALLY at the same time
kriz man on November 14, 2012
this song make me cry everytime.gof give shabbir kumar something soul.
Tamal Basu on November 18, 2012
Ur knowledge proves that inspite being 150 million why there are ONLY 2
nobel prize winners ...No wonder that in indian subcontinent ONLY backward
and low class people converted to islam ...We worship every living being
coz they are born with some powers and in some form allah bestow them with
unique uncharacteristics.Even u stone a 4/10 wall thinking it to be Jumeirah ..does shaitan look like a Wall ?? Its symbolical ..U
also worship the Footsteps of Abraham though No proof is there
koltonliveband on November 18, 2012
You make no sense. You are obviously not educated . what power does a dot
on you head have.
Tamal Basu on November 18, 2012
its not the power its for the bond between devotee and the god .its
basically taking the blessings on forehead from the feet of GOD as he he is
shapeless , and thus comes in some form or shape in which the devotee loves
to see THE ALMIGHTY .When ever God showed its some form of LIGHT (NOOR)
which humans beings are unable to see .So when he shows us in the form that
we love him to see we then take some form of blessings from his feet coz
its the lower most part of a body to show our bowing to HIM
Mike Tyson. on November 30, 2012
like this 1
ad on December 11, 2012
thats the beauty of India.. !!!!
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